Yanfolila Gold Project

Attractively located adjacent to existing infrastructure, including sealed roads, hydroelectric power, water sources and telecommunications, the 200km2 Yanfolila Project is located in southern Mali, 45km north of Endeavour Mining’s Kalana gold project (2.0Moz) and 35km east of Hummingbird Resources’ Yanfolila gold mine (1.8Moz).

The project geology consists of Birimian metasediments and metavolcanics in contact with a central large granite body. Several highly prospective major NE-SW trending splays off the Siekerole Shear Zone traverse the licences and have large coincident gold-in-soil anomalies on the project area. The Siekerole Shear Zone is considered to be the major controlling structure in the Yanfolila belt and thus proximity to this key structure ensures it is a prospective region, as indicated by the initial exploration successes.
First-pass drilling of the Solona Main prospect at Yanfolila in 2012 returned significant intersections including 26.5m at 3.59g/t gold and 15.6m at 2.01g/t gold within an extensive gold-in-soil anomaly that extends for over 2km, where there has been limited drilling.
During 2015, Oklo Resources completed a shallow aircore drilling program that tested a new gold geochemical anomaly outlined by soil sampling at the Solona North West prospect, located 2.1 km to the northwest of Solona Main. Significant drill intersections from the program included 6m at 5.29g/t gold and confirmed the presence of bedrock gold mineralization associated with the extensive quartz veining. A 5-hole RC program that was completed in 2016 returned a best result of 4m at 2.75g/t gold (including 1m at 8.48g/t gold).